Orange Grove Quilters Guild
- Activities & Events
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- Activities & Events

Orange Grove Quilters Guild
- Activities & Events
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- Activities & Events

Orange Grove Quilters Guild
Garden Grove, Orange County, California
Meetings - Friendship & Fun
Meetings take place on the 2nd Wednesday of the month at the Garden Grove Elks Lodge. Doors open at 8:30 a.m. and the meeting starts at 9:30. Guests are welcome for a $5 donation.
Workshops - Learn Something New
Join us for a day of fun and learning! Pick up a new skill, try a new pattern, master a technique. Workshops are held at the First Presbyterian Church of Garden Grove; the cost is $45 for members.
Activities & Events
Quilters Yard-age Sale
April 26—Guild Yard Sale at First Presbyterian Church of Garden Grove. Until then, please drop off your donations by the back door of the Elks Lodge on Guild Meeting days or call Cindy Kruse if the item is too large to carry in.
About the Guild
We're a not-for-profit organization promoting quilting excellence through education and philanthropic projects. Membership is open to anyone interested in quilting and fiber arts.
Newsletters - What's New in OGQG
Catch up on guild news! Click on the link to read the latest newsletter or use the archive button for earlier issues.
Quilt photos courtesy of Jane Oglesby and Marie Blash.
Orange Grove Quilters Guild
Meeting Location
Garden Grove Elks Lodge #1952
11551 Trask Ave
Garden Grove, CA
Mailing Address:
Orange Grove Quilters Guild
PO Box 453
Garden Grove, CA 92842-0453
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